
tox-recreate-hook is configured using the recreate_hook key in the testenv sections of tox.ini. The configuration might look like:

envlist = py37, py38, py39, mypy, docs
skip_missing_interpreters = True
isolated_build = True
requires =

changedir = {toxinidir}/doc-source
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc-source/requirements.txt
commands = sphinx-build -M html . ./build {posargs}
recreate_hook = builtin.rmdir("{toxinidir}/doc-source/build")

recreate_hook can be any valid single-line Python expression, the result of which will be printed to the terminal. tox-recreate-hook ships with several hooks in the builtin module. Hooks can also be defined in custom modules, either on the PYTHONPATH or in toxinidir.